Sunday, March 3, 2019

Where I Think the Scene Should Begin and End

We should be very careful so as not to make the scene tell too much of the story. If it tells too much then it will become more of a trailer than an opening sequence. I think that the scene should definitely end shortly after the two characters switch bodies. To the point where the viewer can assume what the rest of the movie will be like but they won’t know exactly how everything happens.

This film opening will begin with the credits and title sequence. While the title sequence is playing, I think we should introduce the two characters and their normal lives. This way the viewer can get to know the characters. These shots would consist of lots of b-roll and some establishing shots.

I watched this YouTube video to get an idea of what types of title sequences we could use. At about 10:05, he begins to talk about title sequences that introduce the story, or, "familiarize us with the landscape" and show against what backdrop the story will take place. An example of this is "The Shining."

The title sequence for "The Shining" uses a background of long shots of the forest which we would see much more of in the rest of the film. There are also credits scrolling up the screen.

I think that we should do something similar to this as we are not capable of making many of the other title sequences such as the animated ones. That is it for today's blog, tomorrow my group and I will discuss more specifics and in later posts, I will introduce the ideas that we came up with.

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