Friday, December 7, 2018

1. There are many wrong stereotypes about Latinos and Hispanics. Often, Latinas are represented as either housewives or sexpots. While Latino men are represented as thugs or latin lovers. One thing all Latinos have in common is that they are all portrayed as immigrants, and the stronger the accent, the better. Lupe Ontiveros even mentioned that casting directors "'prefer for you to have an accent.' And the thicker and more waddly it is, the more they like it." 

2. Some good examples of Latinos represented in film are Consuela from Family Guy and On My Block. Consuela is the maid in Family Guy and is portrayed as dumb and often confuses mister and missus. Consuela also has a very strong Hispanic accent. Although no characters have a strong accent, On My Block, has many Latino characters that play gang members, another popular stereotype.

3. I believe that some of these representations characteristics are fair as long as they are not taken too far. A good example is On My Block where there are many Latino characters but all of them have a subtle, realistic accent. As age increases, so does the accent. 

4. I would retain the sexpot and latin lover stereotypes as any race could play this role not just Latinos. This is a very old-fashioned stereotype and I believe that it is already disappearing from the big screen as I believe it should. 

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